Wednesday, August 31, 2011


"it always seems impossible until it's done" , Nelson Mandela.
A statement that has change the world over all. A statement that have bring hope, believe and happiness to billions of people in the world.

Looking back at what have Nelson Mandela has done, He truly deserve to be call a legend,,, he is fantastic.
I even amazed with the line He said.. full of optimism and believe that He can do it.
But as i go trough deeper, i can see that the thing that make Him inspired is the love he got to the people.

Now lets go back to ourself..Do you have anything or anyone that inspired you?
well, i dont know about you guys... but for me the inspiration of my life is my girlfriend (my bebby, my everything)...

She is the one that inspire me and make me dream about great things and always able to motivate me and make me able to do it...
She always able to support me... i always got huge spirit everytime i look into her eyes, her touch makes me so strong and i feel so excited everytime we share about our dreams and imagining it. and after all the days we pass i realized that we are able to make it all come true...

She always able to make me do all the things we imagine, with her love to me i got the power to do all things for her. She is truly amazing.

my point of writing this is to tell you all that, having your love one next to you, will always make you able to do things that you guys dream about. Trust me, cause it happened to me...

i am so lucky to have someone next to me that always love me with her own way that make me feel so special. All the support she gave has made me become so alive.... i am able to  do all the great things in my life for her...

i love her so much, i love all the things she do to me.. She is the inspiration of my life and she is my everything...

I hope now you all can see the great and endless inspiration from your love ones, that maybe until now u all didn't realize it...

Bebby, you are amazing,,, with you next to me i am able to do all the great things... 
i love you so much bebby, love you so much......

I thank God every single day cause He has created you for me... I see God in you my bebby.. you are my everything..



  1. i agree!!love is so divine a feeling that only when you experience it you get to know how beautiful life is..everybody should welcome love with open arms.its something out of dis world!!

  2. we all need an inspiration in our lives,and if the source of inspiration is Love, then one is truly blessed.!:)

  3. we all need a motivation and right step which help us to move forward in our life but if he or she is ur lovemate and u c GOD in her or him then u'll be the luckiest person in ur life:)
