Sunday, October 16, 2011


When you do something for love the result will always be perfect.

I had a really great experience last Saturday, It was a special day for us, as on that day we celebrate an event where couples will do fasting. They do this fasting to pray and ask God to give more blessing, health, happiness for their couple.

I decided to do the fasting for my bebby on that day, it was the first time in my life i'm going to do fasting in this event. At first i was not sure whether i will manage to do the fasting completely or not. But as i started the morning doing that, everything was so perfect.

As i went to work on that day, it started with the entry of the shipment of goods, it was round about hundred of boxes and as i am in charge of arranging the stocks, i need to directly involve and do the arrangement. I went to the storage room and look at the mess that was already there. but then i just started doing my job arranging and place all the goods at their places and just clean up the whole storage rooms.

After finished doing the job, the amazing things started to happen. i did not feel thirsty at all. i was sweating and i even take my shower again, but i did not feel any single thirst or even any feeling of hunger. i continue my work the whole day and i was doing my job perfectly. honestly doing all the job on that day i was missing my bebby so much, as she was on her duty up there.

I didn't realize and it was the time to end up our fasting at night, and when that time comes it was one of the best moment in my life. i was so happy and i was so amazed how God guided me the the whole day giving me the strength, patience and motivation to complete the fasting,

Before i start eating, i say prayers to God, Thanking Him for the great blessing and then i smiled.

This fasting for me was not about not having the chance to eat or drink.

For me it was so important because i was doing this for my bebby, i did that so that God will listen my prayers and will give His blessing more and more to my bebby. i was so happy because i manage to do something so special for my bebby and able to do this so greatly. Cause all i want is happiness for my bebby.

I realized that for Love, i am able to do great things.

And i will tell you guys the same thing, Do the things for love and you will get the great result.

i have done that and i am so proud i did something great for my bebby, so why don't you do the same things for your love one. :)

PS:  Bebby i love you so much, you are the inspiration of my life. you are my sunshine in the morning and my peace at th night. YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING

i love you...

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